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Home Credit Bank opens a special services Cabinet for VIP clients

Home Credit, one of Russia’s top retail banks, has opened a special Cabinet, the first of its type on the market, which will offer top-quality banking services to VIP and other elite clients on an individual basis.

For this purpose, specialized equipped cabinets have been set up in the bank’s offices in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Volgograd, where clients will be offered the Golden Times services package, exclusive deposit opportunities and so-called ‘concierge’ services. Such clients will also be eligible to other privileges, including being served without joining queues, in the bank. 

According to the management, the project was lunched within the realization of the strategy aimed at transforming the bank from a mono-line services facility to a universal retail one. Commenting on the new service, Home Credit Bank Managing Director Ivan Svitek called the Cabinet project a vital step toward the universal banking status. “This project will enable the bank to occupy a unique niche by offering full banking services to representatives of the upper median of the nation’s middle class.”